Monday, February 8, 2010

I have commented on...


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mmm, cup of fat anyone?

Drink yourself to obesity!
Is this kind of scare campaign effective? Does it make you want to become a healthier person? Do you think that the growing obesity in our nation is an epidemic of large proportions? Tell us how you responded to the video above? If the new tax goes through in America - what's to say that it won't happen here? If it does - would you continue to pay a large sum of money for something like pop or chips?
This scare campaign is definitely effective! When I watched this video a few weeks ago, I was disgusted by it! 10 pounds for every can of pop we drink? That is heart wrenching and shocking. I believe that if they constantly run this commercial it will tap into some of the publics mind and awaken them from eating large portions of fatty foods that obviously aren't good for them, or they will eat and drink their way to death. Before even seeing this campaign I was already slapped in the face with a health scare by just realizing by myself. I took the initiative to eat healthier, eliminate fast foods from my diet, watch the amount of portions I eat, and exercise for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, 5 or 6 days of the week by taking hot yoga. I think that all of North America shouldn't completely eliminate all fast foods, but only eat it once in a while and exercise on a regular basis to keep healthy. 
A campaign like this is eye opening and will make some people eliminate all fatty foods and drinks from their diet, but most will just think of it as just another health ad they see everyday that won't affect them. It's not necessarily the ads fault, it's how the public takes and how much, people are willing to take initiative to take care of themselves to live a healthy long life. 

You look so much better in pictures, dude...

Oh me, oh my! Let's take a closer look, shall we? As we analyze the 'before' picture of aging pop sensation Madonna, she looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Horribly pale, wrinkles and vanes everywhere, definately a site that no one wants to see on a billboard or in a magazine. Then, take a look at the before and after, not so 'Gollum' like, right? There are no more wrinkles, therefore taking years off her, her face is now contoured to appear that her face is slender, the lighting has changed so the saturation and contrast is higher, to give her more of a healthy, younger glow rather than her scary, unhealthy looking before picture. Photoshop has revolutionized our earth giving every person on a computer to re-vamp themselves to let them or another person to look any way they want. Crazy. This gives us the impression that celebrities and models are perfect, and always look like this. When we take a look at advertisements we blur out the word "photoshop" from our mind because physical beauty is the only thing on our mind. We need to accept the fact that no one is perfect, not even makeup can fix the fact that she's aging and losing her young lively self from the 70's and 80's.

Our next contestant, Jessica Alba. Known as one of  the hottest actress' around. Even she needs several of touch ups to put her up to the medias standards. In the after shot you can see that they got rid of her premature camel toe, slimmed out her legs, hips, well her whole entire body. Yeah, even the skinny Jessica Alba apparently needs to be even more skinny than she already is, that's ridiculous. The lighting has changed to give her more of a glow, and they gave her more of a tan to make her less pale. Her posture changed, obviously, since a slouchy lean is not sexy, and made her hair appear as it was being blown by the wind because well still hair to the medias eyes just isn't hot enough. Photoshop will drive us bizzurk! Giving us the impression that it's possible to look like this constantly? Us average girls on earth have head aches and can only dream about looking like this when we really shouldn't. It's bothersome when company's photoshop pictures to look a certain way, telling us and even stars that we need re-touching and fixing up. Inner beauty is what counts. Ciao for now!

Technology will one day be the death of us. Just watch!

Every second a new form of technology comes out whether it be Google Street view, the IPad, or a new updated macbook. Let's face it, technology is a crazy industry but in this case we're focusing on the evolution of video games. Hmm, let's go back, back, back in time! It basically all started with the infamous, pong. A simple game that has two sides, a line on each side bouncing a ball back and forth to each other. Amazing right? Yeah, sure. This game had no graphics, it wasn't in 3-D, it wasn't entertaining. Maybe to the people who lived in the 60's but not for the people of my time. Now a days the detail and time that has been put into the video games people play today are amazing. The graphics are mind blowing all because of CGI (computer generated imagery). As you can see, the steps that go into CGI to make it look completely amazing.. is well, amazing.

Oh look... computer generated imagery at it's finest (for now). We must realize that technology is going to evolve even further than this. At this very moment there are game geeks, technicians, and a million others dreaming of the next step for games and there are those few hundreds who are dreaming the same and who are going to make those dreams come true. For now, Modern Warfare 2 is the new fad that has adults, adolescents, teens, and children playing. Though several people believe that Wii has people getting active and not sitting down like couch potatoes, I beg to differ because that isn't really excursive. I mean, swinging your arm around every few seconds isn't exercises. It's a few fast movements that aren't burning any calories. In conclusion, games will be revolutionary and have millions of people of many ages sitting on their asses for hours and we all know that, but this won't be helping your health kiddos. Good Bye.

Contradict yourself why don't you?

1) How do you feel about the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty? 
I believe that females should be comfortable with their own unique selves and should stop being the cookie cut outs that most ads are advertising these days. The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is standing by my strong belief and putting a message out there that every woman is beautiful in their won unique way and shouldn't try to adjust themselves to look like those photoshopped, airbrushed models in those thousands of millions of advertisements out there that are sending the wrong message. There is almost never an ad that promotes these same beliefs where a girl should be comfy in her own skin, and doesn't have to be beautiful by trying to be in someone else's. A beautiful message to all women out there.
2) How do you feel about the Axe Effect Campaign? Does it make you laugh hysterically or roll your eyes in disgust? Tell me why?

Every time I watch television and the Axe Effect Campaign comes on I laugh in disgust. This ad is ridiculous! Not only does it wrongly objectify women it also encourages the male ego to buy axe so they can what? Get tons of half naked girls to chase after them? Ridiculous. The worst part about the Axe Campaign Effect is that it completely contradicts another ad which is made by the same company, which is the Dove Beauty Campaign.
3) Do you think that a 'parent' company has some responsibility in ensure that all of their different sectors
uphold the same sort of beliefs and values? Tell me why or why not.
Yes, I do think that the parent company has complete responsibility in ensure that all of their different sectors uphold the same sort of beliefs and values. I think think because at first it is making insecure woman finally, more secure about their skin and who they are as a person but then the next second the axe campaign comes on,  completely contradicting the ad which the parent company also owns. Though the Axe Campaign is targeted to males only, if women see this, they can also be affected and disregard the passed ad about inner beauty. The parent company should have one message, different ads whether it be bad or good. Not two completely different ones that are sending millions of people different messages and confusing the crap out of them. 


WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?! When I first saw this I was shocked. Shocked and confused, one of the worst combinations. After thoroughly analyzing this ad from the 50's I began to question the advertisements that have been released during that era. I mean, put a tapeworm into your body to eat all of your nutrients, vitamins, and fat in your body that make you healthy by the way, to make you skinnier? Well in my opinion that is complete and utter B.S. This blunt  and straight forward advertisement makes me feel nauseated and uncomfortable. Not only is this inappropriate, but it is sending the wrong message to women. Women shouldn't have to parasites in their body to feel go about themselves, they can do whatever they feel like to feel good about their selves at any weight they're comfortable at.  Accept everyone for who they are and accept yourself for who you are.
Amazing. Another stupid ad that makes my eyes roll to the back of my head out of shock. If someone had the audacity to blow smoke in my face I wouldn't follow him anymore nor would I have any attraction to him, but rather I do very harsh things to his face while screaming inappropriate slurs. I do not want to die early, I want to live a long and healthy life. Smoking is overrated as are ads like these. This bad habit is not sexy, cool, and well, sorry to break it to the constant 2 pack a day smokers out there but there are other ways to relieve your stress. Other ways that will not damage your teeth, lungs, and heart. So ladies and gents, go find another not so bad habit to relieve your stress!

Oh, Lard. Lard will be the absolute death of humans on earth if they don't suffer from the break down of our economy, or global warming. Lard is a form of pig fat which is often used in unhealthy foods we eat on a daily basis. Every time we swallow a chunk of a Big Mac or a McNugget we are swallowing out way to death, slowly and slowly. This ad implies that the more unhealthy you eat, you happier you will be, but this advertises the opposite of reality. In reality, If you eat more lard it will accumulate in your system and the fat will clog up your arteries causing you to have a heart attack. Does that seem like a happy life to you? I don't think so. Does being obese sound happy to you? Eh, I don't think so either.

Analyzing these advertisements have made me feel disgusting and gross. I have recently turned the other cheek by attempting to eat healthier by staying away from fast foods, fatty foods, and exercising more. Ads these days have somewhat changed, since dove has come out with their new campaign where it advertises inner beauty and believes that appearance shouldn't be key. That is a major movement in media history since advertisements like that almost never occurs. But there are those millions of ads over the world still contradicting inner beauty by subtly saying that appearance and a perfect figure is key. Anyways, stay strong, smoke free, and healthy. Ciao!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stalker 101

"Finally, a new application I can use to stalk her/him!" 
On October 9th when Google launched their new application called Google street view, thousands of stalkers all over the world screamed this in their room located in their mothers basements. When I heard about this new application that everyone was ranting and raving about, I had two reactions at three different times. Looking at it and exploring my curiosity, I used it for a good 10 minutes thinking it was amazing, wondering how they did all of this (until a little while after I was told a Google van was driving around each city, town, state, and region had a 360 degree video camera to take all these amazing pictures). Ecstatic, was my first reaction. Having to know what my destination looks like before going there or knowing what other parts of the city or world looks like was pretty exciting.
For the next few weeks many of my friends took the initiative of exploring street view as well. I took the liberty to look at the pictures they screen capped. With quite a bit of laughter, along came shock. There was a picture of someone I knew of. It occurred to me that you could actually stock people on street view by seeing where they are and maybe if one was to hang around the same area, you could be able to well, follow them. Many people say that Google realized this and took the liberty to blur out everyones face that was being shown but I knew this still didn't make a difference seeing as I could still recognize the people. This was my second reaction. 
Hours passed, then it hit me. Another reaction. It's not like people can actually stalk you, it's not like they can watch your every move. If they just happen to see you on Google street view it's just luck and it would take several of hours or days, and theres that 90% chance that you might not even be on street view! Almost anybody can take a picture of you at your house, your school, or job and post it on google for the whole world to see. Street view is just the newer way of doing that.
In conclusion, Google street view? It's whatever. I'm probably never going to use it, it's no longer very "amazing", and our world can live without it. I mean,  what's the difference from finding a location on google street view and finding a picture by just typing it up on google web or images. That is all. Ciao!

P.S. I took the liberty to take a picture of my house that was blocked by a tree.