Monday, February 1, 2010

Stalker 101

"Finally, a new application I can use to stalk her/him!" 
On October 9th when Google launched their new application called Google street view, thousands of stalkers all over the world screamed this in their room located in their mothers basements. When I heard about this new application that everyone was ranting and raving about, I had two reactions at three different times. Looking at it and exploring my curiosity, I used it for a good 10 minutes thinking it was amazing, wondering how they did all of this (until a little while after I was told a Google van was driving around each city, town, state, and region had a 360 degree video camera to take all these amazing pictures). Ecstatic, was my first reaction. Having to know what my destination looks like before going there or knowing what other parts of the city or world looks like was pretty exciting.
For the next few weeks many of my friends took the initiative of exploring street view as well. I took the liberty to look at the pictures they screen capped. With quite a bit of laughter, along came shock. There was a picture of someone I knew of. It occurred to me that you could actually stock people on street view by seeing where they are and maybe if one was to hang around the same area, you could be able to well, follow them. Many people say that Google realized this and took the liberty to blur out everyones face that was being shown but I knew this still didn't make a difference seeing as I could still recognize the people. This was my second reaction. 
Hours passed, then it hit me. Another reaction. It's not like people can actually stalk you, it's not like they can watch your every move. If they just happen to see you on Google street view it's just luck and it would take several of hours or days, and theres that 90% chance that you might not even be on street view! Almost anybody can take a picture of you at your house, your school, or job and post it on google for the whole world to see. Street view is just the newer way of doing that.
In conclusion, Google street view? It's whatever. I'm probably never going to use it, it's no longer very "amazing", and our world can live without it. I mean,  what's the difference from finding a location on google street view and finding a picture by just typing it up on google web or images. That is all. Ciao!

P.S. I took the liberty to take a picture of my house that was blocked by a tree.


roma said...

I completely disagree with you. This new google technology is still amazing, regardless of the fact that someone can still take a picture of you or a place and it would be the same thing. Because in all truths, it isn't the same. Google street view allows you to virtually walk through your neighbourhood, through New York, through any other country, city, town or place in the world with out leaving the comfort of your home. You're able to virtually explore a place unknown to you where as through pictures the place stays stationary. You're unable to move around, or explore. Just thought I'd let you know from someone else's point of view, that though this new technology isn't exactly a need, it's a luxury that fulfill's many people's dreams of traveling places they couldn't afford to go too.

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