Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mmm, cup of fat anyone?

Drink yourself to obesity!
Is this kind of scare campaign effective? Does it make you want to become a healthier person? Do you think that the growing obesity in our nation is an epidemic of large proportions? Tell us how you responded to the video above? If the new tax goes through in America - what's to say that it won't happen here? If it does - would you continue to pay a large sum of money for something like pop or chips?
This scare campaign is definitely effective! When I watched this video a few weeks ago, I was disgusted by it! 10 pounds for every can of pop we drink? That is heart wrenching and shocking. I believe that if they constantly run this commercial it will tap into some of the publics mind and awaken them from eating large portions of fatty foods that obviously aren't good for them, or they will eat and drink their way to death. Before even seeing this campaign I was already slapped in the face with a health scare by just realizing by myself. I took the initiative to eat healthier, eliminate fast foods from my diet, watch the amount of portions I eat, and exercise for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, 5 or 6 days of the week by taking hot yoga. I think that all of North America shouldn't completely eliminate all fast foods, but only eat it once in a while and exercise on a regular basis to keep healthy. 
A campaign like this is eye opening and will make some people eliminate all fatty foods and drinks from their diet, but most will just think of it as just another health ad they see everyday that won't affect them. It's not necessarily the ads fault, it's how the public takes and how much, people are willing to take initiative to take care of themselves to live a healthy long life. 


Anonymous said...

I agree when you say that the scare campaign is effective because it clearly scares you into remembering it for a while. It also give you the nauseous feeling that the NYC health department was trying to send across in order for the viewers to get the message that pop is unhealthy for you. I think that watching this ad is just one of many other shocking ads out there, that are set out to improve our health.

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