Saturday, February 6, 2010

Technology will one day be the death of us. Just watch!

Every second a new form of technology comes out whether it be Google Street view, the IPad, or a new updated macbook. Let's face it, technology is a crazy industry but in this case we're focusing on the evolution of video games. Hmm, let's go back, back, back in time! It basically all started with the infamous, pong. A simple game that has two sides, a line on each side bouncing a ball back and forth to each other. Amazing right? Yeah, sure. This game had no graphics, it wasn't in 3-D, it wasn't entertaining. Maybe to the people who lived in the 60's but not for the people of my time. Now a days the detail and time that has been put into the video games people play today are amazing. The graphics are mind blowing all because of CGI (computer generated imagery). As you can see, the steps that go into CGI to make it look completely amazing.. is well, amazing.

Oh look... computer generated imagery at it's finest (for now). We must realize that technology is going to evolve even further than this. At this very moment there are game geeks, technicians, and a million others dreaming of the next step for games and there are those few hundreds who are dreaming the same and who are going to make those dreams come true. For now, Modern Warfare 2 is the new fad that has adults, adolescents, teens, and children playing. Though several people believe that Wii has people getting active and not sitting down like couch potatoes, I beg to differ because that isn't really excursive. I mean, swinging your arm around every few seconds isn't exercises. It's a few fast movements that aren't burning any calories. In conclusion, games will be revolutionary and have millions of people of many ages sitting on their asses for hours and we all know that, but this won't be helping your health kiddos. Good Bye.


Melanie said...

I really like that CGI photo! So cool. So, I agree when you say how technology is going to evolve even further than this because it really is. With companies all expanding their minds to think of new and improved entertainment for us consumers, what is cool for us now will not compare to what will be out another 20-30 years from now. I also agree that swinging your arms playing bowling or tennis doesn't really do much, but they have Wii Fit now which is actully like you're doing the sport. It's so cool!

arbbeen said...

i totally disagree with the whole wii isn't "excursive". have you actually played wii yet? if not then try it, and actually pretend your in the game. Wii is just the beginning of a new generation of gaming. Sooner or later they'll altually start making those video games where it takes your mind right in the game and actually gets you moving or playing in the game. So playing Modern Warfare in a whole new digital world with you playing in it will actually be excursive, then they'll start making sports games like NBA where you'll be a nba player in a real nba game. Just Saying.

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